BIM direction: the what, where, how and why

BIM direction: the what, where, how and why

At Based, we perform BIM direction within a project for various clients. In this way, we ensure that our clients are relieved and that everything in the field of Building Information Management is managed properly. But what exactly is BIM direction? And how exactly do we manage it? We explain it to you below.

What is BIM direction?

In short, BIM direction refers to the information management of BIM processes and models throughout the construction process, including model coordination, quality control, data exchange and management, collaboration and communication, etc. 

Tasks and responsibilities BIM director

In the multidisciplinary role of BIM director, Based is involved in different phases of the construction process, from design and engineering to facility management.

The aim is to improve cooperation, efficiency and accuracy through standardised data exchange and integrated project management. 

What we do as BIM director varies per client and per project. In each project, we use international standards in the field of information management (such as ISO 19650). We also assist the client in the possibilities, obligations and tasks associated with a good information management process. This allows for a faster, more efficient and smoother process both in the project and in maintenance and management. But what do we do?  

  • Defining an information management vision or help to create one;
  • Determining information needs in later phases;
  • Establishing project requirements around information in a BIM protocol;
  • Assessing the BIM implementation plan of parties;
  • Determining the required information standards;
  • Determining which methods and procedures will be maintained;
  • Setting up and managing the 'single source of truth' in a common data environment;
  • And more ...

In addition, with model checks, we ensure that coordinating parties perform their tasks properly, deliver information in the right way in the right place - as defined in the BIM protocol - and that quality is guaranteed. 

Why BIM direction?

During the operation phase of buildings, a dataset that is up-to-date is of great importance. The information required in this phase varies from one client to another. Working with BIM and digital information has the power to bundle all information - such as reports and technical information - about assets. This makes all information centrally accessible, up-to-date and uses the principle: 'the single source of truth'.  This saves time for many parties. In addition, the assets in models contain information that can be used in maintenance and management. This means that the BIM process will be deployed with an eye on the end goal. 'Begin with the end in mind'.

More and more parties see the importance of BIM direction and take this up early in the process. For many clients, digital work and BIM are still completely new territory. Based assists the client in this and provides support in the tasks and steering of the process where necessary.  

BIM not only plays a major role in projects. It is also - even especially - important in building Operations and maintenance. Looking at the entire life cycle of a building, building development is only a small part of that life cycle. So if you make smart choices early on in the process, you will only benefit later in the operation. 

How do you start with BIM (direction)?

Setting up a good foundation and building on it starts with the right vision and a good (BIM) plan. Sometimes there is already a well-thought-out vision within the organisation. If this is the case, we make a plan that builds on it. Other times, people come to us with the question: we have to do something with BIM, can you help us? Then it is first necessary to go back to basics, to form a vision from there. In that case, we start from scratch. We then first sit down with the client to get answers to the following questions, among others: 

  • What is your vision for BIM and digital construction? 
  • What is/means BIM to you? 
  • What do you want to use it for? 
  • How and with whom? 
  • What are the advantages? 
  • And what about coordination and implementation?

We lay down the vision of information management and what is a basic quality of a model for the organisation in a BIM protocol. If there is no protocol yet, we make one. If there is one, we work with it. As a response, the protocol should have an implementation plan with which to direct the coordinating parties (project teams); how will you deliver what we ask? 

As a client, it is possible to steer the project through a good BIM protocol. It is also important to really include the project team in the client's requirements and not over-demand them. As the construction process has many parties, all parties are included in the client's wishes and requirements throughout the BIM process.

During the design and engineering process, information requirements are reviewed. Once in a while, information is provided to the client, the so-called data drop. We check whether this is done correctly and check the status several times during a project. As BIM director, we act as the pivot between the coordinating party and the client. 

Different interests

BIM has a different meaning for everyone. For a client, the focus is often on information needed for maintenance and operations. The coordinating party focuses on whether the models fit together properly and whether there are no 'clashes'. But a client wants to know, for example, what material the walls are made of in the building. What type of central heating boiler is present. Or what the full area of glazing is, in order to provide information to maintenance. All this information can be quickly and simply extracted from models. 

For the coordinating party, besides a good workable model for construction, the focus is on good cooperation between the various disciplines. All aspect models fit together like pieces of a puzzle until a whole building is formed. Within a project, the coordinating party has the role of testing models on this.

So involved parties have different interests. It is up to the BIM director to make sure they are on the same page and that it is clear who takes on which role. So that the final models ultimately meet the client's requirements. 

From preliminary process to delivery

The role of a BIM director usually takes place in the project phase. Then construction begins. Although many situations are already tackled by using a digital building model, other choices may still be made during construction. For example, due to delivery problems at a supplier. After construction, the information is updated and a revision delivered. It is important that the information remains up-to-date at all times. On delivery, you only have everything finalised. Of course, we like to check that final delivery, so that a good handover can be delivered during maintenance and operations. If that is the case, then our work as BIM director is done. 

Based as BIM director?

Would you also like Based to take BIM direction within your project(s)? Then contact Denise Bos, BIM consultant at Based ( or 06 - 106 724 88). She will be happy to tell you much more about everything we can do for you in this - and other - role(s).