Data and sustainable building in the built environment

Data and sustainable building in the built environment

Why one cannot exist without the other.

Sustainability, a topic that permeates all levels of our society. Also in the construction and real estate sector. Indeed, it is precisely here that the need to make (more) sustainable choices is high. But what do you base these choices on? How do you know what works and what doesn't and - more importantly - what it will ultimately save you (or actually save you)? The answer lies in just one word: data. Our colleague Quint Netten, specialist in data and sustainability, explains why using (building) data and sustainable construction are inextricably linked.

Why is sustainability in construction such a hot topic?

'To meet the targets set out in the Paris climate agreement, we all need to do our bit, and there is a lot to be gained in the construction sector in particular. This is not without reason. The construction sector is responsible for a significant proportion of CO2 emissions and waste production. 

More and more construction companies therefore have a sustainable ambition, only they do not yet always know how to integrate this into their concrete operations and strategy. Demand for more sustainable solutions is also rising from the government. Not for nothing have stricter laws and regulations already been drawn up to promote sustainable construction and reduce the environmental impact of construction. It is simply necessary, for a better climate and a sustainable future.'

Is that also the reason you want to contribute to this from your role within Based?

'If, like me, you work in a sector that has a lot of environmental impact, I find it only natural to focus on sustainability. By using my knowledge of data and building information, I can contribute (in)directly to a more sustainable future. For example, by giving our customers insight into their building data, enabling them to make better and more informed choices. It is not only useful for society, but also gives satisfaction in the work I do.'

‘Data is the key to sustainable success’

Why is understanding building data so important?

'Just collecting data won't get you there; it's about getting the right insights and making the right connections. Data is a crucial food source for various insights, and that is essential to set, monitor and achieve - realistic - goals. When you give meaning to raw data, it becomes actionable information. Putting this information in context provides knowledge and insight. With proper application of this knowledge and insight, you gain the wisdom to make the right sustainability decisions. So data is the key to sustainable success.'

How does this manifest itself?

'Building information plays a crucial role, both in the construction and exploitation phase of a building. With the right data, you can calculate which materials cause the least CO2 emissions, how much energy a building consumes, what savings are possible, and much more. You can better read and measure the environmental impact. But you can also use data to better predict future energy and material needs, on which you can base your choices. Using tools such as 3D models in combination with an ILS or OTL, we can gather, record and analyse all this information, making it easier to make (more) sustainable (long-term) choices.'

Can you give a concrete example?

'Sure. Suppose you want to know the environmental impact of using a particular insulation material. By linking data of your building assets to a database with materials and associated sustainablilty properties, you can see, among other things, exactly what the CO2 footprint is of one material compared to another. This kind of insight helps you make better, more sustainable decisions. Because you now know which material has the lowest environmental impact. Another example of how we have helped our customers make sustainable choices is by looking at energy consumption. Based on building data, for example, you can determine how much heat a building requires in winter. By combining this data with specifications of installations, the most energy-efficient installation can be chosen. In this case, the most sustainable choice is also the most cost-conscious choice, a real win-win.'

‘With the right use of data, you can really make an impact’

What is Based's role in the deployment of data and sustainable construction?

'At Based, we are experts in building information. We know exactly how to define proper information requirements, how to check and validate information and how to ensure the quality of the information provided. This means we can help companies collect, capture, analyse and visualise the data they need. Whether it is a sustainable information query or a dashboard showing the environmental impact of different materials, we ensure that this information becomes understandable and usable. So we help our clients translate the huge mountain of data into easy understandable insights. This makes it easier for them to steer towards sustainability and really make an impact.' Want to know more about how data can help your organisation build more sustainably? Then contact Quint at or +31 (0)6 34 63 88 34.