Why accessible data is indispensable for property management

Why accessible data is indispensable for property management

Nowadays, it regularly happens that building and/or project information is not recorded correctly, gets lost in administrative chaos, or that relevant data is even simply missing. But how can a housing corporation or other property manager in the current - and future - digital (construction) world function properly without digital data? You can't, if you ask us. Accessible data is indispensable within property management, and we'd love to explain why.

The consequences of inaccessible data

Unnecessary failure costs, lost time, duplication of effort ... That's what nobody wants, right? Nevertheless, these are issues that regularly arise at housing corporations and property managers. The cause? Data is not or hardly recorded, and sometimes relevant and vital data relating to real estate is simply not present.

If data is recorded, it is often in several places instead of being structured in one central location. All the project parties involved have stored their data separately, and you can guess what the result is. Exactly, chaos. Because if one party wants to start a project, it must first collect data from another party or multiple parties. All these parties have their own 'latest version,' but which is the most up-to-date version of a report? How do you know which is the right one and which is the document you can trust blindly?

An example: suppose you want to know the state of maintenance of one of your buildings. For this, you will need documents. If this data is not centrally accessible, you will usually have to request it from, for example, a business office. But the person who answers your questions often first has to go to various departments to gather the information you want from each of them. They then have to bundle this information, and you have to make sure that you can make sense of it. How laborious does this sound? Not only does it take a few months, but you also have to assume that the information you received is correct. And the chances are that new reports are required with missing data, so you also have to deal with extra costs.

Wouldn't it be much easier if there was a single central database containing all available information, such as a real estate data system, ERP system, or BIM model? 

The benefits of accessible data 

You don't want to spend time searching for - and comparing - data; you just want to get started right away. Imagine the consequences of all the necessary real estate data being stored in one place when essential information you need is accessible to every party involved. Not only for new projects but also matters related to management and maintenance.

There are many advantages to be mentioned, including:  

  • You can switch much faster. Information is up to date and immediately available.
  • Information is easy to transfer to colleagues, project and/or construction team members.
  • You are not dependent on the workload of others and therefore no longer have to wait for necessary data. The workload even decreases because people no longer have to chase after information constantly. Nice and lean!
  • Departments can collaborate better. 
  • Information is always available through metadata.

In short, accessible data saves you time and money.

Another example: as a housing corporation, you are faced with a defect in the home of one of "your" residents. Something needs to be replaced. It is then very convenient if you have all the information about the house immediately to hand. You can immediately see what objects and materials have been used and are present. What's more, you even know immediately with whom you are dealing. By just searching for an address or last name, all the information about the house and its occupant becomes immediately available. So you can help someone much more quickly and personally. 

How does Based help make data accessible?

Based helps property managers to identify their information needs and to organize the available data on their properties. Amongst other things, we examine what information is needed for management and/or the start of new projects. We then roll out a solid strategy, the starting point for bringing structure to the various information flows.

Together with the client, we determine where which information will be made accessible, for example, in a BIM model or a database/platform. We then support the actual structured recording of this data. Here too, our three pillars - data strategy, digital asset management, and information management - are clearly reflected.

Curious about the possibilities?

Are you looking for a way to inventory your information needs and make your data centrally accessible? Then get in touch with me. I would be happy to take you through our experiences and the available possibilities!